April 19, 1894 Thursday

April 19 Thursday – From the New York Times, p.9


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Publishing Firm of Charles L. Webster & Co. Financially Embarrassed.

Samuel L. Clemens (“Mark Twain”) and Frederick J. Hall, composing the book publishing firm of Charles L. Webster & co. of 67 Fifth Avenue, filed an assignment without preference, to Bainbridge Colby of 40 Wall Street, in the County Clerk’s office late yesterday afternoon. The deed was signed by Mr. Clemens in this city, and stated that his residence is in Hartford, Conn. and Mr. Hall’s at Far Rockaway, L.I. It is said that the firm’s certain resources are from $150,000 to $200,000 above its debts.

Mr. Hall said yesterday: “The assignment was very sudden and unexpected. We had expected to get money from certain sources, which we had counted upon to meet certain maturing obligations, but we were very much disappointed in not obtaining this money, and consequently could not meet the obligations referred to; and we thought the best course for all concerned was to make an assignment.” [See SLC to Hall June 1, 1894].

In New York at 7 a.m., Sam wrote to Livy:

Dear old sweetheart, I leave in an hour for Hartford on business — returning this afternoon. Mr. Rogers is perfectly satisfied that our course was right — absolutely right, & wise. Cheer up — the best is yet to come [LLMT 299]. Note: Sam undoubtedly had cabled Livy the bad news on Apr. 18, but the cable is lost.

In his Apr. 22 to Livy Sam told of taking a long walk with Joe Twichell, and being cheered up by him and also by Susy Warner. Charles Dudley Warner had gone “to Bermuda to keep from getting mixed up in the awful Pollard-Breckinridge scandal.” Warner had “been alone with her here & there & yonder,” and didn’t want the Breckinridge lawyers to haul him into court (see Apr. 22 entry) [MTP: Apr. 22 to Livy].

James B. Pond wrote a letter of encouragement to Sam about his business troubles, and how if anyone was equipped to come back, Sam was. Pond sent his “deepest sympathy” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.