June 21, 1894 Thursday

June 21 Thursday – Though this is the day Sam had planned to move the family to La Bourboule, France. Things were delayed somewhat, and they did not leave Paris until Saturday, June 23. In Paris Sam wrote to his brother Orion, agreeing that “Ed is right” about an amount he’d offered of $45 per share of the new Paige Compositor Co. No doubt Orion had written of Ed Brownell selling out after the Chicago test, probably to take advantage of its success. He’d written about Brownell before.

That would be wise for a man who was too poor to hold the stock — but unwise for Ed. This is the best stock in the United States, & should not be lightly fooled away. I can always tell him when to sell.

Sam added that they wouldn’t leave for LaBourboule until June 23, but gave no reason for the two day delay, though there had been several social gatherings Livy and his girls had attended. He wrote of Livy attending a dinner party this evening, and would host another tomorrow (June 22). She had given several lately, he wrote, and attended a French wedding on June 20 where Clara was a bridesmaid. Sam raved about the electric treatment Livy had received and the “marvelous improvement” she’d made, though the gout (in her fingers) would have to wait for treatment. He closed with his sailing date (June 30) and his intention to “remain 3 or 6 weeks” in the US [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.