August 28, 1894 Tuesday

August 28 Tuesday – In Etretat, France Sam wrote to Chatto & Windus, concerned about the mix-up in the publication date for PW. Publication had to be coordinated between England and the US to ensure copyright.

Oh, my God, this is a state of things! Mr. Hall, & the Assignee [Bainbridge Colby] & everybody else knew, away back yonder the last of April, & you ought of course to have been told that at the time.

In America they can’t issue before the middle of OCTOBER. I knew that when I sailed from there two weeks ago.

I am writing to the assignee of CLW & Co. to hurry up those illustrations & sent them to you.

Sam added that when he last left the US a contract was being prepared for PW with the American Publishing Co. (it was signed on Aug. 24); it was to be sold by subscription, which would delay the publication until mid-October or early November. Sam wished that Chatto had written directly to the Assignee (Colby) instead of “the lazy lousy firm of CL Webster,” and so provided Bainbridge Colby’s address at the firm of Stern & Rushmore, 40 Wall St. NYC [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.