September 3, 1894 Monday

September 3 Monday – Sam finished his Sept. 2 letter to H.H. Rogers.

Monday morning, Joan. I hadn’t any trouble there. That is a book which writes itself, a tale which tells itself; I merely have to hold the pen.

Sam had written ten or eleven thousand more words for six days of work so far in Etretat, and planned it as a two-volume work:

I would like to finish Book II before we leave for Paris a month hence; but I can’t tell. The artist has been here to discuss illustrations. His views and sympathies are right.

Sam conveyed that Livy’s health was “so very very much improved” that she planned on house-keeping in Paris “for economy’s sake.” He ended with regards for Rogers’ daughter, Cara Rogers Duff and “the Sand-Blast” another nickname for Rogers’ young son, Harry Rogers [MTHHR 72-3 & notes]. Note: Frank Vincent Du Mond did the illustrations for JA.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.