October 5, 1894 Friday

October 5 Friday – At the Hotel d’Angleterre in Rouen, France, Sam wrote to H.H. Rogers.

We are stalled here, tight and fast. We left Etretat last Monday. Susy was not well; so we came four hours and stopped over here to let her have a rest. It turned out to be congestion of the right lung. Temperature during three days, 104, 103, then 101. Necessarily we were a good deal alarmed, but she is ever so much better now. We shall be captives here indefinitely, of course.

Sam then wrote that his JA bibliography was shipped ahead to Paris, but he didn’t need it — there wasn’t much about her in Rouen, not even a definite spot where she was burned at the stake. He was working on the Bourget articles, which he wasn’t sure Livy would let him publish:

To put in my odd time I am writing some articles about Paul Bourget and his Outre-Mer — laughing at them and at some of our oracular owls who find them “important.” What the hell makes them important, I should like to know! [MTHHR 80].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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