August 7, 1896

August 7 Friday – In Guildford, England, possibly house-hunting, Sam wrote to J. Henry Harper (Sam was still in Southampton on Aug. 10, writing to Pond).

Yes, I find that the “Edited by” is an addition of Chatto’s.

I left you a printed sheet — “A Californian’s Tale.” It has never been published. I interred it (gratis) in a hundred copies of a book issued by the Author’s Club, consenting to this temporary burial quite willingly — the term to be two years, according to my recollection of the matter. That is more than 3 years ago.

I would like it published, now, before it goes into your set of volumes.

Sam wanted to see the piece in Harper’s Monthly. He thought H.H. Rogers “probably” had a copy if Harper could not locate the tale [MTP]. Note: on the reverse side of this letter there is a note which mentions Susy had been “dead three weeks,” or mid-September. See that entry.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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