• Clements, Frank, 707
  • Clements, Frederick Moore, 252, 1081
  • Cleveland, Frances F. (Mrs. Grover Cleveland), 37, 269, 275, 636, 638, 655, 749, 953, 989
  • Cleveland, Grover, 37, 111, 140, 161, 232, 258, 279, 286, 301, 317, 318, 336, 337, 349, 448, 635, 867, 954, 1293
    • Death of, 989
  • Cleveland, Grover, Mr. & Mrs., 636
  • Clevenger, Shobal Vail, Dr., 1322
  • Clews, Henry, Mrs., 859
  • Clifford, Fred H., 585, 588
  • Cline, May, 644, 1290
  • Cline, Sheldon S., 86
  • Clinton, Alice, 654
  • Clinton, Emily, 1030
  • Clinton, Harry J., 275, 280
  • Clinton, James W., 1039
  • Clinton Margery Hamilton, 489, 537, 767, 813, 828, 845, 849, 917, 929,996, 1001, 1002, 1021, 1022, 1076, 1077, 1092, 1097, 1126, 1134, 1165, 1170, 1173, 1175, 1180, 1272, 1287, 1301, 1305, 1309, 1321, 1327
  • Clisdell, Percy A., 1162
  • Clough, S. DeWitt, 1195, 1202
  • Clowns of Barnum & Bailey Circus, 1359
  • Clowry, Robert C., 833
  • Clune, Susan W., 1112
  • Clute, Andrew M. (Atty.), 31, 35
  • Clyde, Constance, 645
  • Coan, Titus M., 208, 411
  • Cobb, Margaret Smith, 1193
  • Coburn, Alvin Langdon (Photog.), 50, 51, 53, 56, 70, 1125, 1126, 1127
  • Cochrane, Charles E., 766, 771, 775
  • Coddington, Caroline, 928, 936, 937, 956, 957
  • Codman, Charles Wakefield, 824
  • Cody, William Frederick (Buffalo Bill), 141
  • Coe family, 580, 894
  • Coe, Fanny E., 511
  • Coe, Henry Huttleston Rogers (infant), 772
  • Coe, Mai H. (Mrs, William Robertson Coe), 906, 971
  • Coe, Theodore |., 765, 771
  • Coe, William Robertson, 71, 242, 244, 487, 522, 527, 533, 641, 679, 917, 1011, 1076, 1079, 1081, 1089, 1123, 1131, 1149, 1185, 1197, 1199, 1230, 1243, 1248, 1318, 1375
  • Coe, William Robertson, Mr. & Mrs., 1151, 1161
  • Coghlan, Joseph (Admiral), 599
  • Cohn, Julius, 313
  • Coker, J.H., 1339
  • Coker, Susie, 1004
  • Colbeck, H.R., 1325
  • Colby, Alice, 1166
  • Colby, Bainbridge (Atty.), 437
  • Colcord, M.B., 1225
  • Cole, Carter S., 840, 841
  • Cole, Frank B., 585
  • Cole, H.E., 762,772
  • Cole, Redmond §., 581
  • Coles, L., 1082
  • Colfelt, Rebecca W.M., 224
  • Colie, Edward M., 965
  • Collected Verse of Rudyard Kipling (1907) by Rudyard Kipling, 883
  • College Club, Boston, 178
  • College of the City of New York, 953, 954, 955
  • College Women’s Club, N.Y.C., 592
  • Collegiate Equal Suffrage League of NY State, 1120
  • Collier & Son, 100
  • Collier family, 553, 576
  • Collier, Amy Angell, 535
  • Collier, Katherine L., 1327
  • Collier, Robert J., 22, 61, 80, 138, 167, 168, 190, 239, 241, 305, 361, 364, 366, 534, 553, 562, 565, 584, 585, 586, 815, 821, 850, 853, 863, 872, 890, 892, 896, 938, 939, 959, 974, 1010, 1012, 1015, 1021, 1041, 1111, 1132, 1133, 1142, 1143, 1144, 1151, 1186, 1214, 1215, 1220, 1249, 1268, 1269, 1326, 1355, 1357, 1360, 1361, 1375, 1376 
    • Elephant spoof, 1125
  • Collier, Robert J., Mr. & Mrs., 241, 304, 853, 890, 896, 1112, 1326, 1351, 1353
  • Collier, Sarah S. (Mrs. Robert J. Collier), 304, 888, 941, 998, 1318, 1353
  • Collier’s Weekly, 33, 84, 95, 105, 138, 143, 150, 151, 246, 275, 296, 424, 432, 445, 451, 463, 553, 938, 995, 996, 1000, 1007, 1008, 1018, 1020, 1112, 1129, 1169, 1180, 1353
  • Collins, Churton, 218
  • Collins, Florence, 1144
  • Collins, Robert, 565
  • Collins, Tom, 1161
  • Collins, W.R.E., 618, 619
  • Collyer, Robert, 194, 544, 568, 1227
  • Colony Club, NYC, 816, 818, 1007
  • Columbia (Mo.) Statesman, 577
  • Columbia Graphophonic, 261
  • Columbia University, 188, 303, 304, 319, 570, 577, 580, 582, 770, 837, 920, 1057, 1061, 1113, 1227
    • 1905 Commencement, 99
  • Columbia; The Land of the Free by Anna MacDonald, 806
  • Colvin, Sidney, 676, 693, 694
  • Colvocoresses, George P. (Capt.), 632, 633
  • Colwell, M. Worth, 106, 108, 131, 132, 134, 711, 1017
  • Comfort, Elizabeth Jenks, 212
  • Compton, Miss (“Dick”), 1018
  • Comstock, Edith, 149
  • Comstock, Elinor, 1355
  • Comstock, Israel, 149
  • Comstock, Miss, 1289
  • Comstock, Parry Angenete, Mr. & Mrs., 1325
  • Conant, Charles A., 980
  • Condert, Mr., 778
  • Congo Reform Assoc., 71, 96, 98, 100, 104, 108, 157, 158, 161, 168 170, 172, 173, 174, 175, 178, 180, 196, 232, 237, 245, 261, 263, 266, 268, 279, 339, 351, 398, 551, 697, 718
    • Soliloquy pamphlet, 151, 157
  • Conklin Fountain Pen, 296
  • Conklin, David Bruce, 884
  • Conklin, Jessie B., 801
  • Conlis, Edith V., 367
  • Conlis, James, 367
  • Connally, Edith F., 843
  • Connecticut Institute for the Blind, 1204
  • Connecticut Magazine, 65, 511
  • Connelly, John M., 1170
  • Connelly, Owen M., 1355
  • Conrad, Joseph, 1155
  • Conradson, Fanny Flint, 500
  • Conried, Richard, 824
  • Consolidated Typewriter Excharge, 1198
  • Consumers’ League of the City of NY, 1100
  • Contemporary Club (Bridgeport), 267
  • Contemporary Club of Philadelphia, 230, 478
  • Conway, Eustace, 253, 543, 545, 831, 837
  • Conway, Moncure D., 56, 60, 163, 221, 222, 223, 278, 320, 322, 429, 543, 545, 7, 831
    • Death of, 819
  • Conway, Moncure D., Mrs., 107
  • Conway, Philip, 5
  • Cook, Mary, 588
  • Cook, W.F., 162
  • Cooke, Charles E., 1073
  • Cooke, Edmund Vance, 203, 208
  • Cooke, J., 721
  • Cooke, M., 1341
  • Coolbrith, Ina (Poet), 484
  • Cooley, Stoughton, 11 11
  • Cooney, M.G., Mrs., 225
  • Cooper Union, 286, 299, 578, 588
  • Cooper, A., 158
  • Cooper, Norm G., 72
  • Cope, Porter F., 1039
  • Copeland, George, 450
  • Copeland, Louise, 679, 687
  • Copyright Act of 1909,72
  • Corbett, Julian Stafford, 675
  • Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1116
  • Corelli, Marie, 674, 685, 686, 689, 692, 693, 701, 702, 704, 715, 745
  • Corey, W.E., Mr. & Mis., 821
  • Coristine, Mary S., 209
  • Cortelyou, George B, 554
  • Corthwait, Mrs., 767
  • Cosmopolitan Club, 582
  • Cosmopolitan Magazine, 138, 148, 166, 238, 412, 578, 623, 1097
  • Cotes, Merton Russell, 730
  • Cottage Hospital, Bermuda, 908
  • Coulander, Mr. (Reporter), 661
  • Coulton, George Gordon, 1231
  • Council of Jewish Women, 1116
  • Countess of Warwick. See Greville, Frances E.
  • Country Life in America, 1000, 1160, 1197
  • Coupe, Thomas, 860
  • Courie, William, 247
  • Courlander, Ethel, 937
  • Courteney, W. L., 218
  • Covert, Nellie, Miss, 188
  • Cowan, John P., 206
  • Cowan, Vera, 1326
  • Cowdin, John E., Mr. & Mrs., 889
  • Cowles, Edith Vaughn, 855, 917, 927, 932, 935, 959, 1040, 1318, 1319, 1328
  • Cowles, Mildred, 855, 959, 1040, 1318, 1319, 1328
  • Cox, Albert Scott, 605
  • Cox, Helen Morton, 533
  • Crabtree, Lotta M., 1300
  • Craig, Joe, 1091, 1161
  • Craig, Sam, | 161
  • Craighead, James B., 1192
  • Craigie, Pearl Mary Teresa Richards, 237, 723
  • Crampton, John W., 520
  • Crandall, Lee, 282
  • Crandall, M.H., 126
  • Crane, Susan L., 30,36, 39, 41, 42, 53, 57, 71, 82, 83, 114, 133, 158, 213, 252, 368, 421,422, 487, 489, 490, 510, 606, 607, 624, 736, 816, 1014, 1015, 1062, 1065, 1319, 1323
  • Cranston, William, 1321
  • Craper, H., 625
  • Crapsey, Algernon Sidney, 547
  • Craven, John J., 795,801
  • Crawford, John W. (“Poet Scout”), 882, 883, 885, 896, 1039, 1093, 1300, 1330
  • Crawford, Marion Francis, 77, 232, 505
  • Crenshaw, H.,1117
  • Crilly, Daniel, 79
  • Crippen, Layton W. (Journalist), 1121, 1122
  • Critic (Magazine), 253
  • Crocker, Timothy D., Mrs., 1002
  • Crockett, Josephine D., 373
  • Croffut, William Augustus, 595, 891, 893, 896
  • Croft, Mason, 701, 702
  • Croll, W.S., 843
  • Cronin, Reading & Co., Tailors, 655, 760
  • Crookes, William, 685
  • Crosby, C.B., 1215
  • Crosby, Ernest Howard, 566, 578, 588, 1215
  • Crosby, Oscar T., 640, 650
  • Cross, A.R., 197
  • Cross, James Abram (Prof.), 734
  • Cross, Mr. & Mrs., 238
  • Crow, Y.J., 1146
  • Crowithin, John, 420
  • Croy, Homer, 305, 313
  • Cruickshank, James, 833
  • Crumrine, Boyd, 232, 236
  • Cuchulain of Muirthemne, etc. (1902) by Augusta Gregory, 605
  • Cumming, John C.G., 554, 563
  • Cunliffe-Owen, Marguerite, 252
  • Cunningham, Anna L., 1145
  • Cunningham, M.F., Mrs., 572
  • Curless, Homer G., 947
  • Current Literature (Magazine), 24, 163, 468, 582, 754, 1264
    • Reviewed Capt. Stormfield, 1140
  • Curry (Father), 971
  • Curry, Abe, 495, 1157
  • Curry, Abe, Mrs., 1326
  • Curry, Manly B., 528
  • Curtis Publishing Co. (Phila.), 328, 1168
  • Curtis, John M., 241
  • Curtis, Mr., 1089
  • Curtis, Robert M., 743
  • Curtis, Susan B., 1323
  • Curtis, Warren, Mr. & Mrs., 595
  • Curtiss, L.H., 499
  • Curzon, George Nathaniel, 624, 627, 638, 642, 666, 668, 693, 694, 706, 715
  • Custer, Elizabeth B., 222, 1326
  • Cutler, Albert G. (Billiardist), 365
  • Cutter, Bloodgood H., 376, 750
    • Death of, 465
  • Cutting, Effie F, (Mrs. C.H. Cutting), 579
  • Cutting, Elisabeth, 336, 337, 980
  • Cutting, Mrs., 786
  • Cutting, Robert Fulton, 190, 318, 324, 573, 574, 633, 787
  • Cutting, Robert Fulton, Mr. & Mrs., 889
  • Cutting, Robert Fulton, Mrs., 275
  • Cymbeline (Play) by Shakespeare, 486
  • Czar Nicholas II. See Nicholas Il, Czar

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