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- Tabard Inn, 62, 63, 65, 66
- Tabley, Kim C., Mrs., 894, 1014
- Taft, William Howard, 1033, 1081, 1098, 1114, 1135, 1178, 1180, 1260, 1356
- Takamine, J., 1191
- Talge Mahogany Co., 1085
- Talks in a Library with Laurence Hutton by Laurence Hutton, 21
- Tallman, Albert Q.W., 1008, 1015, 1021
- Talmage, Cornelia T., 1032
- Talmage, Goyn Addison, 1032
- Taming of Betty, The (1904) by Cally Ryland, 521
- Tammany Tiger, 288
- Tams, Mr. & Mrs., 755
- Taney, Charles F., 658
- Tappan, Eva March, 253
- Tarbell, Ida M., 74, 296, 376, 390, 1012, 1014, 1015, 1294, 1322
- Tarboro, N.C. Literary Club, 280
- Tarkington, Booth, 436, 1299, 1303
- Tarrytown house
- Trolley track problem, 31, 33, 93
- Tatler, The (London), 695, 718
- Tauchnitz Library, 613, 617
- Tauchnitz, Christian (Baron), 646, 647
- Taunt, Henry W., 707, 714
- Taunton Post Office, 1065
- Tavern Club (Boston), 179
- Taylor, Aimee La M., 1319
- Taylor, B.W., 842
- Taylor, Bayard, 46, 270, 997
- Taylor, Bayard, Mr. & Mrs_, 578
- Taylor, Billy, 1109
- Taylor, C.J., 1040
- Taylor, Charles H., 162
- Taylor, Charles T. (Illustrator), 304
- Taylor, Deacon, 1157
- Taylor, Edward B., 567
- Taylor, Georgia C., Mrs., 1052, 1065
- Taylor, Howard P_, 1108
- Taylor, James Monroe, 5&2
- Taylor, Joseph F., 568
- Taylor, Lucy J.M. (Mrs. Knox Taylor), 39, 55, 163
- Taylor, Pit, 1109
- Taylor, Virginia, 304, 320, 322
- Tchaikovsky, Tchaykoffsky. See Chaikovsky, Nikolai
- Teague, George H., 1001
- Teatro Bambino (Play) by Joseph Smith, 125
- Tebbetts, J.C., 563, 566
- Tebbutt, Ralph S., 776
- Tedder, Henry R., 677
- Teele, Alice G., Mrs., 188
- Teets, J.W., 1046
- Tects, Uneida? W., 1046
- Teetzel, Frances G., 1179
- Telharmonium, 531, 640
- Teller; Charlotte. See Johnson, Charlotte Teller
- Temple Sisterhood, Kansas City, Mo., 1083
- Templeton family, 845, 853
- Tennant, Gertrude, 665, 673
- Tennessee land, 353, 450, 453, 472, 508
- Tenney, Arthur J_, Mrs., 619, 620
- Tenniel, John, 218
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 678
- Tennyson, Hallam, 698, 707
- Terry, Ellen (Actress), 353, 354, 363, 531, 574, 681, 682
- Terry, Miss, 1161
- Tesla, Nikola, 541, 855
- Tetrazzini, Luisa (Soprano), 898
- Thackeray, William Makepeace, 154, 473
- Thalkara, Mr., 1067
- Thatcher, Anna S_, 613
- Thaw, Harry K.
- Trial of, 132, 794
- Thayer family, 99, 174, 420, 432
- Thayer, Abbott Handerson (Artist), 42, 43, 44, 45, 86, 100, 114, 122, 125, 127, 150, 210, 231, 296, 439, 1280
- Thayer, Abbott Handerson, Mr. & Mrs., 47
- Thayer, Abbott Handerson, Mrs., 46, 83, 129
- Thayer, Emma Beach, 44, 45, 48, 60, 1322
- Thayer, Gerald H_, 101, 154, 313, 342, 347, 348, 41 1, 416, 429, 467, 482, 1322, 1326
- Thayer, Gladys, 148, 173, 405, 411, 445, 482
- Thayer, Henry R., 238
- Thayer, Kate, 671
- Thayer, Mary, 475
- Thayer, Steven Henry, 1199
- The Fighting Chance (Play), 1044
- The Testimony of the Rocks, etc. by Hugh Miller, 1112
- The Time (N. Haven weekly), 1069
- Their Heart's Desire (1909) by Francis Perry, 1331
- Think, John. See Mallinckrodt, James F.
- Thirteen Club, 235
- Thomas Bailey Aldrich Memorial, 730, 982, 992
- Museum, dedication of. 992
- Thomas, Augustus, 77, 361, 480, 835, 866
- Thomas, Miranda N_, 397
- Thomas, Mr. (Journalist), 196
- Thompson, C.B., 1144
- Thompson, Eben Francis, 335, 562
- Thompson, Edith, 944
- Thompson, Edward T. (Pilot), 1144
- Thompson, Frederic L. (Artist), 561, 572, 593
- Thompson, Joseph O., 187
- Thompson, M.W., 1227
- Thompson, Paul, 285, 1128, 1136, 1145, 1175
- Thompson, S.C., Rev., 1213
- Thompson, W. Milton, 684
- Thompson, William H_, 714, 1276
- Thoresen, Valdemar, 1087, 1116
- Thornburgh, Ben, 448, 576
- Thornburgh, Robert Montgomery, 448
- Thornburgh-Ropper, Mary, 719
- Thorne, E., 223
- Thorne, H.R. Mayo, Mrs., 486, 490
- Thorne, Mrs., 1250
- Thorne, Paul, 204
- Thorne, W.V.S., 1128
- Thornhill, George, 1097
- Three Weeks (1907) by Elinor Glyn, 827, 876
- Thring, G. Herbert, 1088
- Thring, Henry, 765
- Through Dust and Foam by R. & G.D. Hook, 564
- Thugs of India, 704
- Thuiles, Louise L., 1225
- Thursby, Emma C., Miss, 20, 221, 889, 1319
- Thurston, George, 1109
- Tuthong, Mr., 196
- Tibbits, Marion Thurston, Miss, 66
- Tichborne Trial, 1034
- Tiffany & Co., 586, 620
- Tiffany, Eleanor B., 1319
- Tiffany, Henry D., 1319
- Tilbury, England, 654, 662
- Tilghman, Mary Foxley, 633
- Tiliston, Merrill, 212, 223
- Tillman, Benjamin Ryan (Senator), 273
- Tilton, Elizabeth Richards, 133
- Tilton, McLane, Jr., 1188
- Timmory, Gabriel, 128, 453, 501, 564, 693
- Tino (nickname). See Paine, Albert Bigelow
- Tinsley, Dodd Lyons, 738
- Titus, Charles R., 1323
- Tobin, J.H., 38
- Toby, Nanon, 287
- Todd, Charles Burr, 390
- Todd, Helen, 363
- Todd, J.H., 186, 194, 207
- Toepfer, Walter, 1110
- Toeringson, W.D., 1157
- Togo & Bro. & the sorrowful hound, 107
- Tolstoy, Leo, 137, 140, 411, 895, 1081
- Tomlinson, A.H., 1171
- Tompkins, Leslie J., 311
- Toncray, Alex C., 319, 321, 347
- Tonkray, A.O. (Capt.), 298
- Toronto News, 845
- Toronto Press Club, 40
- Tosca (Opera), 262
- Tower, Charlemagne, 610, 611
- Tower, J.P., 483, 487
- Town & Country, 764, 1149, 1156
- Towne, Edward C., 1088
- Townsend, Jim (Lying Jim), 1109
- Townsend, Mary R., 983
- Townsend, Mr. & Mrs., 766
- Townsend, Mrs., 777
- Toy, Mrs., 868
- Toymaker of Nuremburg, The, etc. (Play) by Austin Strong, 826
- Tracy, Louis, 220
- Tracy, Miss, 140
- Tracy, Samuel G., Dr., 28
- Trask, Spencer, 266, 571, 1097
- Traverso, Ubaldo (Atty.), 19, 47, 57, 206, 226, 367
- Treaty of Portsmouth (N.H.), 146, 228
- Tree, Beerbohm Herbert, 717, 835
- Tree, H., 1041
- Tregellas, T.H., 621
- Treherne, W.M., 722, 725
- Treloar, William Purdie, 706
- Tremain, John F., 225, 227, 319, 332, 333
- Trescott, Lewis Elmer (Poet), 762, 803
- Trevelyan, George Otto, 148, 218
- Trident and the Net, The (1905) By Marguerite Cunliffe-Owen, 252
- Tripp, Frank E., 529
- Tripp, George H., 425
- Trix and Over-the-Moon (1909) by Amelie Rives, 1287
- Troll Garden, The (1905) by Willa Cather, 72, 81
- Trott, Clifford, 1307
- Troubetskoy, Paul Prince (Sculptor), 890
- Troubetzkoy, Amélie (Rives) Chanler, 1287
- Trowbridge, J.T., 993
- True Detective Magazine, 1037
- Trumbull, Annie E., 207, 219, 225, 350, 474, 618, 831, 1015, 1041
- Trumbull, James Hammond, 268, 353, 559
- Truth (London Magazine), 914
- Truth Seeker Company, NYC, 1212
- Tucker, Benjamin R., 610, 620
- Tucker, George, Mrs., 1319
- Tuckertown, Bermuda, 923
- Tudor, Henry, 227, 242, 243
- Tufts, James, 205
- Tully, E., 1145
- Turnbull, W.M., 713
- Turner, Helen M., 850
- Turner, J.M., 1010
- Tuttle, G.M., Dr. & Mrs., 889
- Tuxedo Club, 626, 639, 810
- Tuxedo first worn, 586
- Tuxedo Park Fire Dept., 801
- Tuxedo Park, N.Y., 481, 488, 490, 526, 533, 537, 585, 626, 636, 637, 638, 641, 642, 643, 645, 647, 648, 649, 650, 708, 711, 725, 746, 747, 748, 749, 750, 751, 753, 754, 755, 757, 758, 760, 762, 763, 764, 765, 766, 767, 768, 770, 773, 776, 777, 779, 780, 781, 782, 785, 789, 794, 795, 797, 798, 800, 802, 803, 804, 807, 808, 809, 813, 814, 1272, 1283, 1287, 1295, 1301
- Twe, Dihdwo, 178, 224, 226, 229, 231, 235, 241, 244, 294, 377, 486, 487, 551, 593
- Twentieth Century Club, 184
- Twentieth Century Publishing Co., Toledo, Ohio, 789
- Twichell family, 21, 27, 35, 126
- Twichell, David, 838
- Twichell, Harmony (Mrs. Joseph H. Twichell), 117, 312, 606, 840, 1322
- Twichell, Joseph H., 27, 38, 44, 49, 51, 54, 55, 56, 63, 66, 75, 93, 94, 99, 104, 105, 106, 111, 116, 117, 133, 134, 147, 157, 214, 268, 270, 271, 272, 273, 278, 279, 282, 285, 286, 309, 312, 336, 347, 348, 351, 352, 358, 359, 366, 371, 418, 424, 428, 429, 446, 454, 455, 475, 491, 507, 522, 527, 528, 536, 537, 539, 540, 541, 542, $43, 548, 553, 556, 592, 606, 690, 738, 771, 795, 831, 834, 838, 854, 872, 928, 930, 985, 1000, 1018, 1028, 1095, 1122, 1145, 1211, 1246, 1281, 1285, 1375, 1377, 1379
- Agrees to Bermuda Trip with MT, 525
- Deafness, 539
- Grateful for $1,500, 118, 132
- Performed Clara’s Wedding Ceremony, 1287
- Philanthropical ruse, 123 !
- Twichell, Joseph H., Mr. & Mrs., 123, 613, 616, 1148, 1253, 1324
- Two Irish mugs, 228
- Tyler, Margaret E., 175
- Tyranny of the Dark, The (1905) by Hamlin Garland, 88, 108
- Tyrell, Henry, 788