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- U.S. Naval Constructor’s Office, Norfolk, Va., 790
- Uliman, Albert E., 780, 782, 835
- Ultmann, Heinrich, 208
- Umbert, Monsieur, 162
- Umbstaetter, Amo, 993
- Umpawaug Chapel, 950, 1064, 1172
- Una, 719
- Uncle Remus Memorial Assoc., Atlanta, Ga., 1221
- Uncle William, The Man Who Was Shif less (1906) by Jennette Lee, 891
- Underhill & Underhill, 534
- Underwood & Underwood, 414, 766, 782, 1007, 1140
- Union League Club, 535, 557, 558, 559
- Union Pacific Railroad, 1344
- United Cigar Stores Co., 172
- United Sons of Confederate Veterans, 619
- Universal Kinship, The (1906) by John Howard Moore, 562
- University of Michigan, 638
- University of Michigan Students, 958
- Untermyer, Samuel, 1191
- Unwin, Jane Cobden, 711
- Unwin, T. Fisher, 540, 667, 671, 684, 723, 1241, 1244
- Upshur (Admiral), 879
- Upton family, 174
- Upton house, 163, 173, 398
- Upton, Peter, 173
- Upton, Sarah Miller Duncan, 173
- Utica Observer, 1318