Ashland Line

In May, 1893, the General Court gave to the Natick Street Railway authorization to extend its line to and through Ashland, subject to what ever restrictions might be imposed by the selectmen. This involved no outstanding investment on the part of the Ashland residents, and the Natick line, later called the South Middlesex Street Railway Company, laid down new trackage which connected Ashland with Sherbom , Natick and Framingham. Before the end of 1893 much of this new service was available . The Ashland line ran through the center of the village, through Summer Street, and continued along what is now Route 135. This line prospered for some years, after which the competition of the automobile brought its activities to a close . In 1920 the last car was run over the Ashland route and the tracks were taken up. Today bus and truck transportation has largely replaced both railroad and street car service.

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