Cincinnati, Sandusky and Cleveland Railroad

The railroad of The Cincinnati, Sandusky and Cleveland Rail Road Company, herein called the Cincinnati Sandusky and Cleveland, is a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, located in the central part of Ohio. The owned mileage extends northerly from Dayton to Sandusky, 154,416[sic] miles, with a branch 15.373 miles in length extending north westerly from Carey to Findlay. The total length of the main line and branch is 169.789 miles. This company also owns yard and side tracks totaling 69.779 miles. Its road thus embraces 239.568 miles of all tracks owned, all of which is leased to and operated by the Big Four. In addition, the company owns jointly with another carrier 0.930 mile of yard tracks and sidings, one-half each, classified as minor facilities, which is jointly used by the Big Four and another carrier.


The line from Dayton to Springfield was operated by Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis Railway Company from July 3, 1872 to June 30, 1889

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