• February 12, 1885

    Submitted by scott on

    Sam and Cable spent all day on February 12 traveling 140 miles to Detroit on account of the inclement weather, Cable walked onstage at Whitney s Opera House twenty minutes past the hour and, he reported to Louise, even then he “was inconvenienced by the tardy incoming of a special train from another town that brought about a hundred auditors. Strange to say I went to the work fresh & bright & from the very start did, by verdict of all, the finest evening's reading thus far in my experience.’ Sam received the more favorable notices for his performance this evening, however.

  • February 12, 1885 Thursday 

    Submitted by scott on

    February 12 Thursday – Sam and Cable gave a reading to a packed house at Whitney’s Opera House, Detroit, MichiganEven though there was a scheduling conflict with a high society event, the Light Guard’s Grand Levee Honors for Governor Russell A.