Twain's party departed Great Falls at 7:35 am, Thursday, August 1st, 1895. They rode the Montana Central Railway, part of the Great Northern Railroad owned by J.J. Hill. Hill needed to connect his interests in Great Falls with the mining operations in Helena, Butte and the smelter in Anaconda. The railroad followed part of the old Mullan Military Road. Along the way we examine the fate of Egbert Malcolm Clarke and one of the most egregious actions taken by the U.S. Army against Native American peoples, the Marias massacre. Twain gave a lecture that evening in Butte.
The Rocky Mountains, 1895: DBD
August 1 Thursday – James B. Pond’s diary recorded the day’s travel to Butte, Mont.:
Thursday, August 1st, Great Falls to Butte, Montana. [100+ miles]
We started at 7:35 A.M. All seem tired. The light air and the long drive yesterday told very much on us all.
August 2 Friday – J.B. Pond’s diary recorded the next trip to, Anaconda, Mont.:
August 3 Saturday – The Clemens party (the ladies may have stayed in Butte) traveled some 60 miles to Helena, Mont. and took rooms at the Hotel Helena. Fatout lists a supper speech before the Montana Club [MT Speaking 663]. An incident from that supper from James B. Pond’s diary:
August 4 Sunday – James B. Pond’s diary reveals that Livy was again with Sam again on this rest day at the Hotel Helena, in Helena, Montana:
August 5 Monday – In the morning, the Clemens party traveled by train about 100 miles from Helena to Missoula, Mont. Sam’s notebook:
Left Helena for Missoula. Saw in Butte, Dixon & O’Bannon — 27 & 38 years. Helena, Judge Knowles and Tom Campbell — 28 & 32 years.
Beautiful dwellings, green grass & trees. & the gray brown mountains. In H & B saw relatives — 25 years. Fine valley & scenery [NB 35 TS 22].
The day’s events are also recorded in J.B. Pond’s diary:
August 6 Tuesday – In the morning in Missoula Mont., Sam watched the troops drill. Koelbel writes,