Beirut to Dahr El Baydar

It is assumed here that the caravan's route and the train route of 35 years later follow the same path closely, determined by topography. Bædeker notes  stops on  the rail line at: 4 1/2 M. El-Hadeth [Hadat], 5 1/2M. Ba'abdâ [Baabda], 7 1/2 M. Jemhûr [Jamhour], 10 1/2 M. 'Âreiyâ [Aariya], 13 M. Âleih [Aley], 17 M. Behamdûn [Bhamdoun], 19 1/2 M. 'Ain Sôfar [Rwaysat Saoufar]  To the left is the green ravine of the Wâdi Hammâna. Vegetation gradually ceases and we enter a bleak region.  The line pierces the tunnels of Mudêrij [Mdeyrei] (300 yds.) and Baidar (Khân Murâd; 390 yds.) [Dahr Al Baidar], reaching its highest level (4880 ft.) in Lebanon in the latter.

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