Carson to Spooner - Kings Canyon Road

Larry Schmidt, a hydrologist whose hobby is the overland emigrant trails, and I have tossed the exact route Sam took for a long time now, while in the process of trying to get the ""Faro Table" rock area named Sam Clemens Cove. Last night, using the USGS map, he made a convincing argument that Sam went up King's Canyon to the point where it joins the Walton road. Walton charged a toll. and Sam would have wanted to avoid it. The shorter mileage and number of mountains "climbed" fits better with Twain's memory. I am left with arguments that lack strength. Mr Jones' sawmill was portable, since there was no lake to deliver the logs. It moves north to south, from above King's Canyon to south of Clear Creek, so where it was when Sam passed by is not easily determined.   

Sam was so careful during his life never to give anyone enough detail to write a clear biography. The work you have done is impressive to one who has worked only with the Western Nevada material.

Email from R Stewart (Septermber 9, 2022)

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