Erie and Kalamazoo RR

he Erie and Kalamazoo was incorporated April 22, 1833, under special act of the Territory of Michigan, now the State of Michigan, for the purpose of constructing and operating a railroad from Toledo, then claimed to be within the Territory of Michigan, to the headwaters of the Kalamazoo River in that Territory. When the boundary dispute was settled, Toledo was declared to be within the limits of the State of Ohio, and the Erie and Kalamazoo was incorporated April 4, 1852, under the general laws of the latter State. Under special act of the State of Michigan, May 18, 1846, the charter of the Erie and Kalamazoo was amended fixing the westerly terminus of its road at Adrian, Mich. The date of organization of the Erie and Kalamazoo was April 22, 1833.

Operated by—From—To—

The Michigan Southern Rail Road Company.  Aug. 1, 1849  May 19, 1855

The Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Rail Road Company.  May 19, 1855  June 2, 1869

Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Company.  June 2, 1869  Aug. 16, 1869

The Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Company.  Aug. 16, 1869  Dec. 23, 1914

New York Central.  Dec. 23, 1914(1)

The entire property of the Erie and Kalamazoo is leased in perpetuity to the New York Central from August 1, 1849, by virtue of its assumption of a lease entered into with The Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Company and its predecessors. The terms of the lease and the rental accrued for the year ending on date of valuation are given in the chapter on leased railway property in the report on the New York Central.



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