Büttensteiner Waterfalls

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The All Saints Waterfalls (German: Allerheiligen-Wasserfälle) are located in the Black Forest on the territory of the town of Oppenau in the German state of Baden-Württemberg at an elevation of about 500 m above NN. The Lierbach stream, also called the Grindenbach, cascades, as a natural waterfall, down seven steps, a total drop of 83 metres. Due to the scouring of the rocks under the cataract which have formed basin-like holes known as Gumpen or kolks), the falls are also called the Büttensteiner Waterfalls ("Tub Stone" waterfalls) or Sieben Bütten ("Seven Tubs").

The waterfalls belonged for centuries to All Saints' Abbey, the ruins of which are only a few hundred metres away. Because they lie in a deeply incised and narrow valley, they were inaccessible for a long time. Not until the early 19th century were they discovered with the aid of ladders. In 1840 the forestry authorities built a path that enabled access to the falls via several flights of steps and bridges. Because it receives so many visitors it has had to renovated several times already.

The falls are reached along the K 5370 county road, which runs from Oppenau to the Black Forest High Road (B 500), and the K 5371, that runs from Ottenhöfen almost to the car park by the abbey. There is also a car park at the bottom of the falls.

Inspired by their inaccessibility, many legends have arisen about the monastery and waterfalls. These are explained during the course of a scenic and circular "Legend Trail", the route of which also passes the waterfalls.


From Bædeker's Rhine - 1873: Route 46 page 255
Immediately below the monastery is a rugged cleft in the rocks formed apparently by volcanic agency, through which the Grindenbach is precipitated over blocks of granite in seven falls, termed the Sieben Bütten (Seven cauldrons), or Büttenstein Falls, some of them 50 ft in height, into the valley beneath. A good path, cut through the rock at places, or supported by ladders, descends by the falls to the (20 min) bottom of the valley, 300 ft below. From the second Rondel, or platform, the double fall is best surveyed. The waterfalls, which are chiefly remarkable for their picturesque accessories, are seen to the best advantage in ascending from the valley below.


48.5303, 8.1889

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