Carson City Pony Express Station

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Carson City Station (N39 09 42.3 W119 46 10.8)  

Founded in 1858, it was was named for Kit Carson. As the social and supply center for the nearby mining settlements of the Comstock Lode in the mid-1800′s, Carson City prospered. In 1864 it was designated the state capital. In 1860. there was only one street that was little more than a double row of saloons, a few assay offices, a general store, and the hotel that was the relay station for the Pony Express located between 4th and 5th Streets, near the original Ormsby House.  (Expedition Utah)


Sources generally agree on the identity of Carson City as a station.  Little information is available about the Carson City Station site, which was located on what is now Carson Street between Fourth and Fifth.  Bolivar Roberts, division superintendent, used Carson City as a base in March 1860 to hire riders and stationkeepers.  Since he worked as part of a team to build or acquire other stations along the route, Roberts probably established the Carson City station as well.  (NPS)

39.206718444824, -119.80590820312

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