Lyceum - Library, Morristown, NJ

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The local newspaper of record in the 1880s was the Jerseyman. I searched the Friday after Thanksgiving in 1884 but failed to find an article about Twain and Cable speaking here or staying with Thomas Nast. However, I found the following brief article on the previous Friday, the 21st an page 2 at the bottom of the 4th column: 

The readings of Twain and Cable are considered among the most refined and entertaining attractions offered to the public this winter. Mr. Cable read to crowded houses ten times in New York and fourteen in Boston last winter, and will on Thursday evening, Nov. 27th, in the Lyceum, read from his travels illustrative of Creole life in New Orleans, introducing his inimitable Creole songs. Mark Twain will also at the same time regale the audience with selections from his writings , those considered by the public the funniest. The entertainment promises to be exceptionally attractive. 

I will get back to you later, after I have checked two Thomas Nast scrapbooks for mention of Twain’s visit.

It is rather unfortunate that Paine didn’t cite his sources!

Best wishes,

James Lewis
Head of the North Jersey History and Genealogy Center
Morristown-Morris Township Library,
1 Miller Rd.
Morristown, NJ 07960

40.794001, -74.47854

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