The Pittsburgh Theater

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t is unknown if this is the location of Mark Twain's lecture.  A literature search has so far failed to uncover another theater at this date.

On Monday September second 1833 the theatre known as Old Drury was opened It occupied the ground that is now 306 and 310 Fifth avenue The architect was John Haviland The scenery was painted by J R Smith and the stage machinery was under the supervision of Stafford & Hoffman of Philadelphia The building was erected by Messrs Roseburg Reynolds Scott and McCullough The following description of the theatre appeared in the Messenger of 1833

The Pittsburgh Theatre is a neat two story building the front is 57 feet depth 130 The interior of this theatre is arranged to combine the greatest degree of elegance and convenience And will safely vie with any other in the Union The boxes which are of two tiers are of rose color ornamented with gold work bearing a shield upon which are emblazoned the arms of the United States The seats are covered with crimson edged with velvet and handsomely studded with brass nails The theatre is lighted with eighteen splendid chandeliers hung at proper intervals The proscenium represents the Pennsylvania arms and there are splendid draperies about the stage doors and the salons which are extensive and spacious The scenery painted by J R Smith is of the most magnificent description and the wardrobes are all new and convenient When the building was taken down in 1870 it was then said that it had stood remarkably well and that there was not one place of amusement in the city that was as safe and easy of speedy exit in case of danger as was this old Pittsburgli theatre There were all told five doors of entrance over the three central doors hung an iron balcony upon which were a number of lamp posts The announcement of the opening of the theatre also stated that a first class London artist had been engaged for the last three months in procuring and perfecting the wardrobe which shall equal if not exceed that of any eastern theatre The managers have engaged the eminent tragedian Mr Edwin Forrest also Mr and Mrs Hilson Miss Clara Fisher Mrs Knight Mr J R Scott and Mr Parslowe of the Covent Garden Theatre London The management desires to raise the genius and mend the heart show virtue her features and vice her own image and the body of the times his form and presence The announcement was signed by Francis E Wemyss There were two theatres in 1860 the Pittsburgh Opera House now the Grand was built in 1871 in 1877 the Academy was opened as a theatre by Henry Williams in 1875 the Bijou the Duquesne opened in 1890 in 1891 the Alvin built by Charles L Davis was opened 1895 the Empire in the East End the Nixon opened in 1903 and in 1904 the Gayety 

The History of Pittsburgh: Its Rise and Progress  Sarah Hutchins Killikelly

B.C. & Gordon Montgomery Company, 1906 - Pittsburgh (Pa.) - 568 pages

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