June 12, 1896 Friday

June 12 Friday – When Livy and Clara left Durban, Clara exulted because a group of people saw them off. Now in East London, Sam wrote to Livy in Port Elizabeth and included a mention for Clara.

Livy darling I have just been writing a letter to Jean.

I wrote Mr. Milligan from Kingwilliamstown & thanked him cordially for helping you & Clara. I am glad you had the 11 people on the dock to see you off on your own merits. Sometimes an entire town will turn out in order to get rid of people. (That’s for Clara.)

We are having a lazy comfortable time here — billiards in the day time & cards at night.

Sam also acknowledged receiving her telegram beginning “No, colonel,” and said he understood it “after studying a while” [MTP]. See June 8 entry.

In the evening Sam gave his No. 2 “At Home” talk at Mutual Hall in East London; it ran 90 minutes [Philippon 21]. 

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.