July 25, 1904 Monday

July 25 Monday – In Tyringham, Mass. Sam wrote to Susan Crane.

Dear Susy— / Yes, she did love me; & nothing that I did, no hurt that I inflicted upon her, no tears that I caused those dear eyes to shed, could break it down, or even chill it. It always rose again, it always burned again, as warm & bright as ever. Nothing could wreck it, nothing could extinguish it. Never a day passed that she did not say, with emphasis & enthusiasm, “I love you so. I just worship you.” They were always undeserved, they were always a rebuke, but she stopped my mouth whenever I said it, though she knew I said it honestly.

I know one thing, & I get some poor small comfort out of it: that what little good was in me I gave to her to the utmost—full measure, the last grain & the last ounce—& poor as it was, it was my very best, & far beyond anything I could have given to any other person that ever lived. It was poverty, but it was all I had; & so it stood for wealth, & she so accounted it.

I try not to think of the hurts I gave her, but oh, there are so many, so many!

I love you, dear Sue [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Charles J. Langdon in Elmira.

As to that soft & weak & characterless shaving-brush: I have been trying for 3 years to extinguish it, obliterate it, abolish it, annihilate it, discard it, disown it, exile it, ostracise it, excommunicate it—but somebody always returns it. This time it must not return. I have reached the exploding-point now, & my safety-valve is out of repair. Ida’s “Colonial Children” are perfectly safe: I only brought it away to hold as security against the return of the brush. Dr. Rice has returned that brush once, it has been returned from the yacht once, it has been returned from Fairhaven twice; & I can tell you that this conduct is becoming dangerous.

Charley, I did not know you had another picture of Livy. Jervis is about due to be back from his canoing-trip. We have signed the papers & they have gone to him. I am keeping his letter & Halsey Sayles’s for my guidance. It is dreamy & reposeful here, but it does not heal the heartbreak [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Anne W. Low and Seth Low (Mayor of N.Y.C.): “We are hurt past healing, but there is power in the friendly word of sympathy to soften the ache at our hearts, & I & my children thank you deeply” [MTP].

Joe Twichell wrote from Castine, Maine to Sam.

Dear Mark, dear old Friend:

This but a week since I parted from you; yet somehow the time seems long—for the reason, I suppose, that I have had so many, many thoughts of you—mostly guessing at your thoughts, trying to imagine them, though knowing that I could not. But I have wondered how the days were passing with you—how life and the world—the past and the future—were looking to you.” Joe offered a few more pages of reflection and comfort [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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