September 4, 1904 Sunday

September 4 Sunday – In Deal, N.J. Sam wrote to daughter Clara (only the envelope survives) [MTP]. Note: Postmarked from Deal Beach, N.J Sept.4, 4 p.m., which shows he spent the night of Sept. 3 there, probably at Harvey’s home.

Sam returned early to N.Y.C. where he rode in the park with Clara [Sept. 4 to Crane].

Later he wrote from the Hotel Wolcott to Susan Crane.

Susy dear, will you arrange to have some one keep flowers on those precious graves for me, & send me the account every little while? I shall be very grateful. How such thoughts reproach me, how they sting me! I seldom thought to bring flowers to Livy when they could have given her a pleasure—now I think of it when they are nothing to her & she does not care for them. I have so many negligences to grieve about—I wish it were not so. Clara is doing fairly well, nothing more. We drove in the Park this morning [MTP].

Ralph W. Ashcroft wrote from NYC to Sam.

I closed the Plasmon office on Friday morning…after having sent [Harold] Wheeler’s personal belongings to Hammond’s office. I put a sign on the door stating it wouldn’t be opened until Tuesday, the 6th.

Wheeler tried to get in on Friday, but couldn’t do so peaceably. The landlord wouldn’t let him. On Saturday afternoon, he broke into the place, and installed a special policeman with club and revolver to hold possession, and, I presume, to smash my skull….

He is guilty of a criminal act,—if the election of directors last Thursday was legal, as Lauterbach, Baldwin and a well-know corporation lawyer (whom Baldwin consulted on Saturday) say it was beyond a doubt [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.