September 22, 1904 Thursday

September 22 Thursday – Sam returned to N.Y.C. and wrote to Senator Odoardo Luchini in Florence.

Your kind letter of the 5th has just reached me from Lee, Mass., where Jean & Katy & Miss Lyon are occupying the cottage in the hills; Clara is in a rest-cure in a village in Connecticut, where she sees no one but the nurse & the doctor & neither writes letters nor reads them; I am kept constantly in New York.

I am very sorry Mr. Traverso has had an accident, & I hope he is well again by this time. Jean had one, but is well again. She & her horse… [etc.]

Miss Lyon has had an operation on her eye & expects to need another one.

With my kindest regards to your family I am / Sincerely Yours… [MTP: Superior Auction Galleries catalog, Nov. 6, 1993, Item 145]. Note: Sam used his 21 Fifth Ave. address, though he was staying at the Grosvenor Hotel while repairs were being done to his new house. Ubaldo Traverso, attorney.

Sam also inscribed a copy of A Dog’s Tale to Ida Langdon: “To / Ida Langdon / With the love of her uncle / The Author. / Sept. 22/04” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.