October 4, 1904 Tuesday

October 4 Tuesday – The postponed dedication of the Fairhaven church ( Unitarian Memorial ) that Rogers built and dedicated to his mother. (See Sept. 21) was carried out this day; in his Oct. 7 to Lyon, Sam claimed he’d been “too busy dedicating churches in Fairhaven” to write Jean. It’s not known just when he went to Fairhaven, nor how long he stayed, but the Oct. 7 note suggested he was at least there the day of dedication, which was Oct. 4. The lack of any outgoing letters for the prior weekend suggests perhaps he spent several days in Fairhaven.

October 4-December 8, 1908 – Sometime during this period Sam wrote from N.Y.C. to Melville Elijah Stone, President of Associated Press, N.Y.C. Dear Stone: / The correction I wish made is a matter of figures about publishers. It should read thus: “They publish an annual output of five or six thousand new books, & presumably the result is an average profit on each of a thousand dollars—say, an aggregate of five or six millions,” etc. Now those figures are all right—but in the MS you will see that they add up crazily [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.