October 15, 1904 Saturday

October 15 Saturday – At the Grosvenor Hotel in N.Y.C. Sam began a reply to Edmund Dene Morel’s Oct. 10 letter (originally Georges Eduard Pierre Achille Morel de Ville) (1873-1924) British journalist, author and socialist politician. He collaborated with Roger Casement, the English Congo Reform Associaton and others and in newspapers such as the West African Mail, campaigned against slavery in the Congo Free State. Sam would add a P.S. to this note on Oct. 16.

Dear Mr. Morel: / I received Lord Norbury’s letter [not extant], & I hope you can dine here in private way with me at 7.45 on one of the days of your sojourn. Either of them that may best meet your convenience. Do not trouble to write—use the telephone: All days are alike to me in these black days of my bereavement—I do not go anywhere.

I am aware that you have been to Boston; I thought you were coming here first [MTP]. Note: Hawkins points to the evening of Oct. 17 for Morel’s visit to Sam. William Brabazon Lindsay Graham-Toler, 4th Earl of Norbury.

Sam also wrote to Charles J. Langdon, who evidently had replied already to Sam’s Oct. 13. Langdon’s reply is not extant. Yes—certainly. I ought to have thought of that, myself. The lawyer is John Larkin 44 Wall st. [MTP].

We hope to get into the house about Nov. 1— — — But I think we are not really expecting it. / Ys Ever

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.