October 18, 1904 Tuesday

October 18 Tuesday – Sam wrote at least three letters which survive and carry this date’s postmark. The first, to daughter Jean and Isabel V. Lyon in Lee Mass.: “All right, Jean, you shall bring the mongrel cat” [MTP].

The second letter to Mary H. Hitchcock (Mrs. Roswell D. Hitchcock), President Entertainment Club, N.Y.C. declining an invitation to read [MTP].

The third to Isabel V. Lyon, enclosing Dr. G.W. Kirch’s bill and letter from the doctor’s attorney [MTP].

John Henry Flagg (1843-1911) inscribed his book, The Monarch and Other Poems to Sam: “To S L Clemens / with unfailing regards of / The Author / Oct 18, 1904” [Gribben 233].

Cécile Freese wrote from 353 W. 17 St., N.Y.C. to Sam: My dear Mr Clemens, / By some unpardonable negligence your letter of September 28th has only just reached me. I should say your secretary’s letter and whose name I cannot make out so I cannot send a reply to that person.

I will be very thankful to have Mrs Clemens photograph back again; I am only sorry it is not one that you did not possess. I have heard that you will spend the winter in New York; should this be true I would like so much to see you and your daughters. I am living more and more in the past! / Yours … [MTP]. Note: Sam answered ca. Oct. 20.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.