December 15, 1904 Thursday

December 15 Thursday – In Keokuk, Iowa Edward F. Brownell wrote to Isabel Lyon to clarify if the Dec. allowance for Tabitha “Puss” Quarles (Greening) was to be increased to $25 or if the $15 was to be added to her allowance [MTP].

John Larkin, NY attorney, wrote to Sam. “Mr. Cobb called on me to-day to explain the situation as he understands it with Mr. Gardiner.” Larkin thought the two “rubbed each other the wrong way, and have made a great to do about nothing. I can’t see why the properties cannot be sold without so much bother and confusion. If the matter comes up again, I am quite sure that I can carry the matter through” [MTP]. Lyon wrote on the letter, “Mrs Benjamin says that Mr. Larkin is innocent & hasn’t had any experience with these people.” The matter had to do with the purchase of Sam’s Tarrytown house by Charles A. Gardiner, the present tenant of it.

Thorvald Solberg for the Library of Congress wrote to Sam. “I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your note of December 12th relative to the possible amendment of the copyright law. Please accept my sincere thanks for giving me notice of your article which is to appear in the North American Review and for kindly arranging to have a copy send to me” [MTP].

Maurice Victor Samuels (b. 1873), inscribed The Florentines: A Play (1904). “To S.L.C. / You have often made us glad— /Yes, Mark Twain! / And have sometimes made us sad— / Without pain! / But there never will be one / Who when your last work is done / Of an unkind touch or bad / Will complain! / Maurice V. Samuels / New York / Dec. 15, ‘04” [Gribben 602].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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