February 22, 1905 Wednesday

February 22 Wednesday – Isabel Lyon’s journal #2: “Dr. Quintard called & talked with Mr. Clemens. Mrs. Crane & Jean lunched with Mrs. Day / After Mr. Clemens came home he finished reading the Joan of Arc play” [MTP TS 5-6]. Note: George Porter’s play, The Maid, A Drama in Five Acts (1904) [Gribben 554].

Frances E. Skinner wrote from New Haven, Conn. to Sam. “Knowing that while you were in Berlin you had some acquaintances with the late Frau Dr. Hempel, I am taking the liberty of writing to you in regard to a German Grammar which she had nearly completed before her sudden death which occurred last year. / Her intention was to publish the book in this country for the use of American students…” Would Sam write a “few words of appreciation of Frau Dr. Hempel” for use in the book? Ex-Ambassador White had sent a letter for such use [MTP]. Note: Skinner translated several books for G.P. Putnam’s.

An unidentified man wrote from Martinsville, KY to Sam, complimenting him on TA, which he and his wife were then reading. Only the first page of this note survives [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.