• Christmas Break, 1884

    Submitted by scott on

    Thursday, December 18, 1884:     --     Sunday, December 28, 1884:

    He would most likely have taken the Lakeshore Railroad to either Dunkirk or Buffalo.  From either of these location Sam could take the New York, Lake Erie and Western (the name of the Erie Railroad from 1878 to 1895).  From Dunkirk he would pass through Salamanca.  Either route would take him through Elmira and I have found no reference to his visiting Elmira at this time.  Another route from Buffalo would be on the New York Central and Hudson Ri

  • December 18, 1884 Thursday

    Submitted by scott on

    December 18 Thursday – Sam and Cable took a Christmas break, this day being a travel day. Sam headed for New York where he spent the night at the Everett House, where he’d asked Webster to call on the morning of Dec. 19 [Dec.

  • December 20, 1884 Saturday 

    Submitted by scott on

    December 20 Saturday – The Dec. 20, 1884 article by H.B. Stephens, “Mark Twain’s ‘Dorg’,” which ran in Every Other Saturday, is available in The Twainian (July-Aug. 1953) p.3-4, and contains a letter from Sam to Stephens, as well as a reference to a prior incoming letter from Stephens, both letters undated and unlisted by MTP.

  • December 23, 1884 Tuesday

    Submitted by scott on

    December 23 Tuesday – Sam wrote two letters from Hartford to Charles Webster. Sam enclosed an advertisement by Estes & Lauriat of Boston for “Just ready” copies of HF, reduced from $2.75 to $2.25; Sam was infuriated.

  • December 28, 1884 Sunday

    Submitted by scott on

    December 28 Sunday  Sam took the train from New York in the morning and traveled all day. He wrote at 9:30 P.M from Pittsburgh to Livy. Cable had arrived on Dec. 27. Sam asked that a letter he’d left at Hartford from a “Chicago poetess” be sent on to him. He told of an attempt by the railroad to “curtail his liberties” after breaking some rule (possibly smoking).