Sunday July 14th 1895, Samuel L Clemens and party departed Elmira, New York on board the Delaware Lackawanna & Western bound for Buffalo and then on to Cleveland. From Quarry Farm, moments before departing, he wrote his sister "I have not been able to write I've been in bed ever since we arrived here May 25th until 4 days ago when I put on my clothes for the first time in 45 days to go to New York, barely capable of the exertion. To undergo the shame borne of the mistake I made in establishing a publishing house.
Elmira to Cleveland, 1895: DBD
July 14 Sunday – At Quarry Farm, Sam wrote to H.H. Rogers, declaring he’d “thrown up the Russell sponge,” meaning he was ready to compromise with Thomas Russell, printer, or pay him in full, the $5,046 owed. He reported Livy’s reaction to newspaper reports of his supplementary examination on July 11 at Stern & Rushmore’s office:
July 15, 1895 to July 15, 1896 – World Speaking Tour – Sam’s tour consisted of the northern United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, Ceylon, Mauritius, and South Africa: about 140 engagements [Fatout, MT Speaking 662]. See Railton’s website at the University of Virginia for more details on the North American portion of the tour including map, letters, and reviews, many of which are quoted here. The North America portion of the world tour was under the management of James B. Pond, who, along with his wife, Martha G.
July 16 Tuesday – In the late morning (“Forenoon”) in Cleveland, Ohio, Sam wrote to H.H. Rogers, describing the first Cleveland talk the night before (July 15).