June 7, 1902 Saturday

June 7 Saturday [estimated date location as label was in a dangling PDF box]

Sam’s notebook: contains a reference to a song, “When I am Gone,” and his intention to use the song in his next Tom and Huck story [Gribben 759; NB 45 TS 16]. Note: In London in 1897, Sam had recalled this song when thinking of Susy’s death [NB 39 TS 58].

Livy’s diary: “Julie & Ida came & spent the night—, dined with us & breakfasted Sat. morning” [MTP: DV161].

Sam’s notebook: “Home-dinner (Bixby) / Old chum night” [NB 45 TS 16]. Note: the entry also includes old activities he enjoyed as a boy [NB 45 TS18]. Note: The Mark Twain Encyclopedia. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1993: 394-5, gives: marbles, kites, sleds, skates, swings, picnics.

In St. Louis, Mo. Sam wrote on the flyleaf of a presentation copy of TS, to Lamotte Cates. “On the whole it is better to deserve honors and not have them, than to have them and not deserve them. Truly yours, Mark Twain. To Lamotte Cates with the best wishes of The Author. St. Louis, June 7, 1901” [MTP: Dawson’s Book Shop catalog, Jan. 1938, No. 124, Item 4]. Note: Cates was a cousin of James Ross Clemens.

Sorrentino reports that Sam attended a gathering at the Noonday Club [21].

Fatout has Sam giving a speech on art at the Arts Students Association, Museum of Fine Arts, St. Louis. Fatout writes:

At the St. Louis art students’ luncheon for Mark Twain, Professor Halsey C. Ives, director of the Museum of Fine Arts, conferred upon the chief guest the degree of “Master Doctor of Arts.” Mark Twain enjoyed himself, although he was chagrined by a scheduling mixup that forced him to leve the luncheon party before the end [MT Speaking 443]. Note: Ives (1847-1911).

From 5 p.m. until about 11 Sam was entertained at the St. Louis Country Club [St. Louis Republic, June 9, p.3; Sorrentino 21]. Note: see Sorrentino for mention of several newspaper accounts not given here.

The St. Louis Republic, p. 1, ran “Mark Twain at Pilot Wheel; Bids Farewell to Mississippi” [MTCI 460-2].

St. Louis Globe-Democrat, p. 1 ran “The Eugene Field Memorial Tablet” [MTCI 463].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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