Sandwich Islands Lectures in New York - 1867

From Explanatory Notes:  Clemens returned to New York “in an express train ... a distance of nearly twelve hundred miles by the route I came,”  He stays at the Westminster Hotel.

From Lorch:  "Back in New York again by April 16, Mark Twain immediately found himself involved in a demanding round of activity. He continued his correspondence with the Alta California, at the rate of $20 a letter, and contributed a number of articles to the New York Weekly on the Sandwich Islands. Furthermore, the Jumping Frog book was now in press and scheduled to appear April 30.  Anticipation of his first book kept him in a simmer of excitement, added to which was unrest caused by his preparations for the "Quaker City" excursion to the Holy Land, schduled to begin June 8."  (pg 60)

May 6 - Cooper Institute, New York City - "Sandwich Islands"

May 10 - Athenaeum, Brooklyn, New York - "Sandwich Islands"

May 15 - Irving Hall, New York City - "Sandwich Islands"

From Lorch:  "If Mark Twain ever tried to assess the value of his New York and Brooklyn lectures in his career on the public platform there is no record of it.  Yet their importance was enormous.  Aside from the celebrity they provided him  among the "Quaker City" passengers and in  the New York area generally, their chief value lay in the assurance they gave him that his humor, style of speaking, and platform manner were as pleasing to eastern as to western audiences, and that his fear of the greater sophistication of eastern audiences greatly diminished." (pg 67)