More California Lectures


November 16 - Platt's Hall, San Francisco, California

November 21 - Armory Hall, San Jose, California (location source is from San Francisco Bulletin, November 20, 1866, p. 5.)

November 26 - Petaluma, California

November 27 - College Hall, Twelfth Street, Oakland, California (location source is from San Francisco Bulletin, November 26, 1866, p. 5.)

On 27 November Clemens had lectured on the Sandwich Islands at the College of California in Oakland. Chartered in 1855, the college had developed from the Contra Costa Academy, a private school for boys founded by Congregational clergyman Henry Durant two years earlier. It grew into the University of California (established 1868), which Durant served as first president (“Mark Twain’s Lecture,” Oakland News, 28 Nov 66, 3; Hart, 120–21).  Mark Twain Project

December 10 - Congress Hall, San Francisco, California - "Sandwich Islands"