Three Months in Munich

November 15, 1878 - February 27th, 1879: Arriving from Rome, Italy: November 17 Sunday – Sam wrote from Munich, Germany to Howells, giving him the itinerary of the trip from Rome. (see From Rome to Munich)

At first they did not much like the place: Munich did seem the horriblest place, the most desolate place, the most unendurable place!—& the rooms were so small, the conveniences so meager, & the porcelain stoves so grim, ghastly, dismal, intolerable! So Livy & Clara sat down forlorn, & cried, & I retired to a private place to pray. By & by we all retired to our narrow German beds; & when Livy & I finished talking across the room, it was all decided we would rest 24 hours, then pay whatever damages were required, & straightway fly to the south of France.

But you see, that was simply fatigue. Next morning the tribe fell in love with the rooms, with the weather, with Munich, & head over heels in love with Fraülein Dahlweiner.

Sam also wrote about a friend of Howells coming by to visit, and of Sam reading one of Howells’ stories aloud to the children.

November 19 Tuesday – Sam “took a workroom at 45 Nymphenstrasse—Frau Kraze.” He made a purchase on the “Tobacco shop on corner under Hotel Bellevue, opp. Karls Thor” and noted amounts spent.