

Munich German city. Midway through the long European trip that Mark Twain undertook in order to write A Tramp Abroad, he and his family stayed in this Bavarian capital from November 15, 1878 through February 27, 1879. Members of the family regarded the Munich months as a pleasant winter rest, during which they busied themselves with studying German and art instruction and enjoyed a Bavarian Christmas, while Mark Twain worked on his book. He did write at least one chapter about Munich, but omitted it from the final manuscript. A Tramp Abroad dismisses his Munich stay in a single line (chapter 50), even though he was in Munich three times longer than he was in Switzerland—to which the book devotes 18 chapters. What remains of his comments on Munich are scattered references: discussing Wagner with a Munich woman (chapter 10), an allusion to seeing Prince Ludwig in Munich (chapter 18) and an offhand reference in chapter 31.

Mark Twain’s family lived at a pension at No. 1a Karlstrasse, where the family was well looked after by Fraulein Dahlweiner, while Mark Twain worked in a room at 45 Nymphenstrasse. He pays tribute to Dahlweiner in Life on Mississippi, in which the narrator tells how he met Karl Ritter while he was living in the same pension (chapter 31).

Mark Twain’s son-in-law, Ossip Gabrilowitsch, Conducted Munich’s Konzertverein Orchestra from 1910—14.

Page 326 Mark Twain A to Z

See Bædekere Southern Germany and Austria (1891)  Route 28 page 121


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