Ampersand Hotel

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The Ampersand Hotel opened in 1888. The main building burned to the ground the night of September 23, 1907, after which the hotel was operated as a cabin complex until the property was acquired by the State.

New York Times, May 26, 1895

HOTEL AMPERSAND, Saranac - Lake, Franklin County, New-York. Eaton & Young, Managers. Opens June 1, closes about Oct. 1.  Accommodates 275 persons. Board, $4 per day; from $21 per week upward. Ten hours from The Greater New-York. Reached by the New-York Central and Hudson River R. R. via the Adirondack and St. Lawrence line or via the Delaware and Hudson and Chateaugay R. R. By the latter about sixteen hours from The Greater New-York.

Historic Saranac Lake Wiki

[Mapped Location is current Ampersand bay Resort]

44.32553, -74.153007

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