Elk Horn Station, Wyoming

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Located 10 miles from Horseshoe Pony Express Station and 15 miles from LaBonta Station; the old Emigrant Road crosses Elkhorn Creek just north of the station site.  http://www.expeditionutah.com/featured-trails/pony-express-trail/wyoming-pony-express-stations/

L.C. Bishop and Paul Henderson on their "Map of California-Oregon-Mormon Emigrant Roads Featuring the Pony Express 1860-1861, as well as the Overland Mail Company contract of 1861, list Elk Horn as the first station west of Horseshoe Creek. However, neither resource provides an exact location for this station. On the other hand, Gregory Franzwa in his Maps of the Oregon Trail identified Elk Horn Station, but he did not specifically designate it as a Pony Express Station.  (NPS)

42.548274993896, -105.21091461182

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