Middle Gate Station

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The site location is unknown. There are two likely areas for this station. One is at White Rock Springs, a ½ mile south of US 50 and about 1½ miles east of Middlegate Butte. Another would be anywhere along the 4 miles between Middlegate and Westgate along an arroyo that often has seeps or short lengths of running water. The meadows between Middlegate and Westgate also would attract an Overland station because of the native hay ripe after June each year.

(Expedition Utah)

Several sources, including the mail contract of 1861, list Middle Gate as a station. The exact location of Middle Gate or Middlegate remains unknown, but a station in this area would serve as a logical place to divide the thirty-five mile stretch between Sand Springs and Cold Springs. Richard Burton mentions Middle Gate as a stopping place during his journey. (NPS)

To Sand Springs, 16th October.
In the morning the wind had shifted from the south to a more pluvial quarter, the southeast - in these regions the westerly wind promises the fairest - and stormy cirri mottled the sky. We had a long stage of thirty five miles before us, and required an early start, yet the lazy b'hoys and the weary cattle saw 10 AM before we were en route. Simpson's road lay to our south, we could, however, sight about two miles distant from the station the easternmost formation, which he calls Gibraltar Gate. For the first three miles, our way was exceedingly rough; it gradually improved into a plain cut with nullahs, and overgrown with a chapparal, which concealed a few burrowing hares. The animals are rare; during the snow they are said to tread in one another's trails after Indian fashion, yet the huntsman easily follows them. After eight miles we passed a spring, and two miles beyond it came to the Middle Gate, where we halted from noon till 5 15 PM. Water was found in the bed of a river which fills like a mill dam after rain, and a plentiful supply of bunch grass, whose dark seeds it was difficult to husk out of the oat like capsules. We spent our halt in practicing what Sorrentines call la caccia degl'uccelluzzi, and in vain attempts to walk round the uncommonly wary hawks, crows, and wolves.
(The City of the Saints, p 488)

39.304550170898, -117.94372558594

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