The City of the Saints

Among the Mormons and Across the Rocky Mountains to California

Clips and images from this book are from the Google Books edition scanned from a volume from the Harvard College Library.  Their scanned copy publisher was New York: Harper Brothers, Publishers, Franklin Square,  1862.

The quality of the scan varies greatly with many errors of punctuation and character recognition.  I attempted to validate the clips using an edition from The Narrative Press, 2003.  Theirs is reportedly a scan of the first edition from Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts, London, 1861.  The Narrative Press edition suffers from a lack of proof reading.

I eventually found Fawn M. Brodie's edition from New York Alfred A Knopf, 1963.  This is my preferred edition for reading and a source of much material about Richard F. Burton.

"The City of the Saints" is heavy utilized in "Twain's Geography" because of Burton's travel dialogue.  Much of this book, however, contains much of additional interest not included in this project.  Chapter II - The Sioux or Dakotas: takes up pages 95 to 130 in the Google Books edition; pages 104-144 in the Brodie edition.  Salt Lake City, the reason for Burton's journey, is discussed in eight chapters: pages 203 to 443 in the Google Books edition; pages 224 to 496 in the Brodie edition.   Chapter XIII, pages 473-479 contains discussion of the "Utah Territory Indians".

Reference Type
Burton, Richard F.
Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts
Published Year
Among the Mormons and Across the Rocky Mountains to California