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More Publishing Struggles – Library of Humor – Blizzar
“Don’t Wear your Arctics in the White House”– Congressional Hear
Theo’s Stroke – Grace King – Webster Bought out for $

1888 – Sometime during this year an old fellow-printer from the spring of 1853 in St. Louis, Anthony Kennedy, wrote to Sam with some sort of invitation that Sam felt would “get me in trouble with No. 6” — a reference to a Webster & Co. Contract. Sam declined, and told Kennedy:

Now you get some other firebrand to tie to your tail when you go through the Philistine’s corn; this one’s busy. I am thirty-seven [35] years older and seven hundred years wiser…[MTP]. Note: See also MTL 1: 2-3; 5n4 for more on Kennedy.

Also undated beyond this year was one note to Frederick J. Hall, Sam’s man at Webster & Co. The note asked Hall to get the right contract for Webster & Co., “made among us from the beginning” and meet at “half-past five. I will be there” [MTP].

Frank McAlpine, in Our Album of Authors: A Cyclopedia of Popular Literary People, p.84-88 wrote a conventional biography of Mark Twain: “Without a doubt, he is the most popular of living humorists. His language is pure and elevated, except when it is necessary to use the language of classes to represent certain characters. The world is bound to laugh as long as Mark Twain lives, or as long as his works are kept in print” [Tenney, ALR supplement to the Reference Guide (Autumn, 1979) 182].

Books published by Charles L. Webster & Co. In 1888.

Beecher, William, and Samuel Scoville, A Biography of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher

Burton, Rev. Nathaniel J., Yale Lectures on Preaching and Other Writings

Daggett, Rollin Mallory, The Legends and Myths of Hawaii

Mark Twain’s Library of Humor

Sheridan, General, Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army

Van Nortwick, William H., Yanks and Johnnies; or, Laugh and Grow Fat

Links to Twain's Geography Entries

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.