October 16, 1871 Monday

October 16 Monday to February 27  1872 Lecture Tour:

Sam returned to the lecture circuit under the management of James Redpath and the Boston Lyceum Bureau. There were at least 77 engagements using three different speeches.

Note: Schmidt is one good updated source for dates and places of lecturesyet there is no guarantee that any website, will be up indefinitely. Print sources are thereby given priority; Emerson gives 76 performances in sixteen weeks [81].

October 16 Monday  Sam lectured at Moravian Day School Hall, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. “Reminiscences of Some Uncommonplace Characters Whom I Have Met”. He gave this lecture three times and then chose the segment on Artemus Ward to expand, dropping pieces about Dick Baker the quartz miner; Riley the journalist; the King of the Sandwich Islands; and others.  

Sam wrote a short note before the lecture from Bethlehem, Penn. to Livy. Sam thought he might have to pare down the lecture, but would talk without notes [MTL 4: 473].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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