July 13, 1878 Saturday 

July 13 Saturday  Sam wrote from Heidelberg to Frank Bliss. Sam had received Frank’s letter in “the usual time, 14 days.” Evidently Frank had asked for Sam’s power of attorney, as he was ready to break away from his father’s publishing company to start his own business. Sam answered that even if he sent the documents that day, Frank wouldn’t have them until July 27, which was “ten days too late,” for whatever Frank had in mind. Sam confessed he was making “fair progress, but of course it isn’t great progress” on the new book. He was at about 45 or 50,000 words, or about a quarter of what was needed. He would work on intermediate chapters when “we are settled down for the fall & winter in Munich” [MTLE 3: 71].

Sam’s notebook: “51 Americans arrived & made less noise than 10 Germans” [MTNJ 2: 108].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.