20 January 2023
January 12 Sunday – the Clemenses loved to entertain, something expected of many Nook Farm residents. according to Twichell’s journal, a dinner was given at Sam’s for Louis Fréchette, Poet Laureate of Canada:
“M.T. never was so funny as this time. The perfect art of a certain kind of story telling will die with him. No one beside can ever equal him, I am sure” [Andrews 92].
Entry Date
Jan 12, 1879 - Sun
Editor Note
This is a misleading entry in Day By Day. This is not the date of Twichell's entry in his journal - not the date of said entertainment,
On further investigation by Barbara Schmidt:
I do not have a copy of Twichell's journals, but it seems Andrews may have misdated or misread Twichell's journal entry date. Other sources, including MARK TWAIN'S NOTEBOOKS AND JOURNALS, VOL. 2 indicate Frechette visited Twain in Hartford in early 1882, (p. 414). In Fatout's MARK TWAIN SPEAKING he reprints a toast Clemens gave to Frechette and indicates the two first met in Montreal in 1881 (p. 166). Frechette, by the way, was brother to William D. Howells's brother-in-law.
It looks to me like Andrews misdated Twichell's journal entry and then DBD
compounded the error.
Further information provided by Leslie Myrick and Steve Courtney indicates that the event in question is found in the Day By Day entry for February 3, 1882. This contains Twichell's comments on the Friday Evening Club meeting.
On further investigation by Barbara Schmidt:
I do not have a copy of Twichell's journals, but it seems Andrews may have misdated or misread Twichell's journal entry date. Other sources, including MARK TWAIN'S NOTEBOOKS AND JOURNALS, VOL. 2 indicate Frechette visited Twain in Hartford in early 1882, (p. 414). In Fatout's MARK TWAIN SPEAKING he reprints a toast Clemens gave to Frechette and indicates the two first met in Montreal in 1881 (p. 166). Frechette, by the way, was brother to William D. Howells's brother-in-law.
It looks to me like Andrews misdated Twichell's journal entry and then DBD
compounded the error.
Further information provided by Leslie Myrick and Steve Courtney indicates that the event in question is found in the Day By Day entry for February 3, 1882. This contains Twichell's comments on the Friday Evening Club meeting.