July 1, 1880 Thursday

July 118 Sunday – Sam wrote sometime between these dates from Elmira to Charles Eliot Norton (1827–1908). Norton was an American educator, writer, and editor who founded the Nation (1865). Sam declined an invitation to some event for the arts and sciences. He wrote,

“…just about the middle of August (if we have luck) I shall be called upon to take upon myself the office of superintending a wet nurse, or of preparing condensed milk for a nursing-bottle” [MTLE 5: 133].

Livy was due to deliver in mid-August.

July 1 Thursday – Sam listed book sales from July 1, 1879 to July 1 1880 in his notebook:

Innocents Abroad 3,182 – Roughing It 2,466 – Gilded Age 1,700 – Tom Sawyer 3,186 – Sketches – 1,518 – Tramp Abroad from March 1, 1880 to July 1, same year – 47, 563 [MTNJ 2: 428]. Note: Items listed down the page, not as shown.

Bills/receipts/invoices from Hartford merchants:

William H. Bulkeley, dry goods, $148.81 for Clemens purchases on: Apr. 9, 22, 26, 28, 31, June 4, 10, 11, 12; sent a corrected bill forwarding $148.81 adding purchases June 12, 14 for gloves, hose, misc. paid July 7Seyms & Co. $2.55 for butter on June 4, paid July 7John D. Fisk & Co., boots & shoes, $2.05 for child’s goods on Feb. 25McNary & Co., importing chemists & druggists, for Apr. 11, ½ doz. Champagne $14, Henry’s magnesia $1.25, paid Oct. 4J.G. Rathbun & Co., druggists & chemists, $21.55 for purchases Apr. 3, 9, 15, 23, May 5, 21, June 7, 10, 14: various salad oils, camphor, bottles & corks, linseed oil, ammonia, oxalic acid, etc., paid July 7James Ahern,  “practical plumber and gas fitter” $6.97 for Mar. 23, 29, May 20, June 1, 3; paid July 7Dr. C.A. Taft $64 for professional services from Jan. 1, 1880 to July 1, 1880Fred B. Edwards, “drugs, medicines, fancy goods” $1.50 for camphor & castor oil, paid July 7Haynes & Simmons, “fine boots, shoes & rubbers” $18.55 for May 5, June 1, 10, 11, 12, 23 — Sam wrote across bill:

“Gentlemen: you have made a mistake. This bill is paid but is not receipted. Yrs truly, SL Clemens”

D.H. Buell, jeweler $13.90, Apr. 2 “gong in clock $8.50, one 8 day clock $5.00; repl. pins, brush .40” paid; NoteDwight Buell is the man said to have initially interested Sam in the Paige typesetter. Ellen F. Hammond, MD for professional services Dec. 1879 to July 1, 1880 [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.