January 5, 1886 Tuesday 

January 5 Tuesday – H. Harris for Star Lecture Course wrote to Sam asking, “Can I say anything to you that will induce you to make an appearance in Phila this coming season under the auspices of ‘The Star Course’”? Harris had an opening on Feb. 28, “just two years since your last appearance here.” He referred to a performance with George W. Cable. He was “ready to pay a good price.” Note: Harris made two mistakes — he addressed the note to New Haven and mentioned Cable [MTP].

Jane Clemens and Orion Clemens wrote to Sam, Jane beginning and Orion finishing the letter when Jane got tired. She rambled about surviving everyone save a few cousins. “I am just about as well off in one place as another,” she wrote. “If I live till next June I will be 83 years old.” Orion wrote:

Ma was out to dinner New Year and the day after. Went in a hack (or hacks, rather) – probably benefited her. What excellent work little Jean did! …. The other children’s letters were interesting. Hope they will write again. O.C. [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.