January 15, 1886 Friday

January 15 Friday – In Hartford Sam wrote to James B. Pond reminding, “Chamberlaine’s letter distinctly begged me to implore you to give him a date for Cable.” Sam didn’t have to fill in for Cable should he be unable to attend, and wouldn’t go to Concord, Mass. for the reading “in any circumstances.” Note: Mr. & Mrs. Augustus P. Chamberlaine were friends of Ralph Waldo Emerson. The Clemens met them in Venice in 1878 [MTNJ 2:220n10].

Sam also responded to Professor Francis Wayland’s Jan. 13 letter:

You catch my idea exactly, I am greatly obliged [MTP]. Note: it was Sam’s plan for McGuinn to receive the money for his support in small amounts. Wayland understood.

Henry M. Alexander for Alexander & Green wrote to Sam.

It seems to me wise that you should come to some conclusion in regard to the partnership matter upon which we conferred….I think you had better telegram me yes or no [MTNJ 3:219n105].

NoteJesse Grant had offered his parents’ letters for publication in return for a partnership in Webster & Co. (See Dec. 20, 1885 to Webster.)

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.