March 17, 1886 Wednesday

March 17 Wednesday – In Washington, D.C., William Dean Howells wrote to Sam. The Howells family was there for Winny Howells’ health. He enclosed a newspaper clipping, now lost, “presumably about a revivalist preacher” [MTHL 2: 551n1].

Here is a man in this paper letting himself loose on the neighbors in a way that I thought you’d like to see. Please keep it for me.

Mrs. Clemens said something about a visit. Would it be too hard on you if we stopped over between trains on our journey home in April? [551].

Note: Howells did not visit Hartford until the weekend of May 1-2 [MTNJ 3: 230n8].

Since Sam’s last (1882) visit to West Point, Major General Wesley Merritt had replaced Oliver O. Howard as superintendent. Merritt wrote to Sam asking if he would come again to the Point.

There is a great desire on the part of the Corps of Cadets and the Army people stationed at the Post to have you lecture at West Point. Can you gratify the wish? [¶] If you could aim for the 20 or 27 or the 3rd of April it would be satisfactory [Leon 65, 233].

William B. Franklin wrote a short note of thanks to Sam for his $25 contribution to the widow, Mrs. Hancock [MTP].

Maria Rowley of Dallas, Texas wrote to Sam in behalf of her literary club, “The Standard.” Should Sam ever visit Dallas, would he visit them? She hated to ask a favor, but “one more ought not to count” [MTP].

Orion and Mollie Clemens finished their Mar. 13 to Sam and Livy [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.