March 20, 1886 Saturday 

March 20 Saturday – Charles Webster wrote to Sam, firmly against allowing a reduced share of Webster & Co. To allow Jesse Grant into the firm:

I would go very slow about taking in new partners. I don’t want to part with any of my interest but if you wish to sell any of yours I have no objection to the Grant boys, but they should have nothing to say about the conduct of the business [MTNJ 3: 220n111].

NoteMTLTP p.197n 4 suggests the Grant family may have received an additional 12 per cent royalty on sales “from the General Agency,” above the 70 percent.

Webster also informed Sam of the contract for the late General George McClellan’s book:

I have signed the contract with Mrs McClellan and Dr Prime and have the manuscript in the safe. I have paid $5000.00 of the $10,000 which they are to have…. I can easily get the book ready to canvass by September…. I also expect to run the Pope’s book at the same time if I get manuscript in time. They will be worked by an entirely different class of agents and will not conflict with each other [MTLTP 197n2-3].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.