April 11, 1886 Sunday

April 11 Sunday – At the Murray Hill Hotel in New York, William Dean Howells wrote to Sam.

I got the last of your telegrams and the only one last night. We all want to stop over with you on our way home, but we don’t know when the people are going out of our house, or when we shall get in. Will you let me write you again about the visit, reserving the right to say no to me if it isn’t convenient for you when we propose coming?

I’ve got a lot of things to talk over [MTHL 2: 552-3]. Note: Howells did not visit Hartford until May 1-2.

Orion Clemens wrote to Sam (Orion to Frank L. Wing Apr. 9 enclosed).

My Dear Brother:

Yours of 6th received. We are delighted that you will come in June, and bring all the family.

      Pamela expects to go Thursday to Quincy. … Ma treated us to a domestic concert the other night, and we will take us to the Devil’s Auction Tuesday night if well enough. I think you are doing wonders to get the second volume of Grant out by the first of May [MTP]. Note: Orion’s letter to Frank L. Wing of Apr. 9 discussed the Tennessee lands that John Marshall purchased; a map was included.

T.B. Mott, West Point cadet, class of ’86, wrote a several page letter of thanks for Sam’s recent visit and talk at the Point [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.